Seminars in the department

As part of the seminars organized by the department for teachers and researchers teaching , lecture.Dr. Maysa Ali Abd Al-Awn Al-Badri, director of research unit gave a lecture titled "Pros and Cons of implementing the google classroom"  On Thursday 5/4/2018 on the conference hall, in the presence of the head of department Prof.Dr. Aqeel Shakir Ghani Al-Adili  and a number of teachers.

Dr. Maisa reviewed the pros and cons that she  noticed during her experience in the application of e-learning "google class room" The google class service is a big leap towards the development of university education where it is possible to create classrooms and the distribution of tasks and send instructions and see everything from one place without paper leases.

Dr. Maysa Ali is the first teacher to apply the "google class room" by creating this class sediments and sedimentary rocks of the first phase in the department.


Last modified on Monday, 07 May 2018 08:06